Silvertung ~ 9/19/15 ~ The Shindig Festival ~ Baltimore, Maryland Posted by
This year’s Shindig Festival in Baltimore, Maryland saw some big names in music roll into town including Godsmack and thrash legends Anthrax, yet some of the biggest buzz was for some hometown boys who have been busy fine tuning their craft and making quite a name for themselves. Speed, Scoot, Danno and Codey, collectively known as Silvertung, have been grinding it out in the musical trenches and wowing audiences with each and every show played. Their work ethic and passion for the music that they have created and play is something that a lot of bands should take note of because it’s sorely missing in many out there. The guys took to the stage at the Shindig Festival to a huge crowd who were ready to rock out with their hometown boys. The band was plagued with audio problems throughout their set and they were never fully corrected, but that didn’t stop them. I’ve seen bigger bands throw temper tantrums, throw their instruments down and walk off, but not these guys. They still gave it their all and delivered song after song after song, much to the delight of all those people gathered to see them. Although the audio problems seemed to upset many of the fans there, they were more vocal about how the band handled the situation and how it impressed them. These guys are true professionals in every way and that goes a long way in this viral day and age.
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