Silvertung - Out Of the Box Review
Silvertung - Out of the Box Silvertung, hailing from Maryland, released their third album and first EP, Out of the Box, on July 8, 2016 courtesy of Pavement Entertainment. The band’s singles “Face the Music” and “Devil’s Advocate” have been making their way up the national charts, giving some of the top national acts a run for their money.Out of the Box is not in any way confused by what it is and was meant to be, straight forward, in your face rock from start to finish. Tracks “Face the Music” and chart making single thumper “Devil’s Advocate” are any stadium anthem, fist pumping, hard rock lover’s dream come true; explosive and hard hitting. Fans of Theory of a Deadman, Sixx AM, Shinedown, and even Guns N Roses will find Out of the Box quite gratifying.Silvertung clearly gave this album their all. Out of the Box’s experimentation with different sounds and styles will surely earn the self-proclaimed underground rockers some new fans and notoriety on mainstream radio. By the end of Out of the Box fans will know who Silvertung is and with the brevity of the six track EP, fans will be left wanting….demanding more.Written by Ken Bowden for Bloodrock Media on July 25, 2016