Silvertung: November 4, 2016 Hit The Pavement Tour at Angel’s Rock Bar in Baltimore, MD
It’s Friday night and I’ve worked all week. What better way to unwind and treat myself than to check out hometown legends Silvertung on the first night of their Hit The Pavement Tour. Oh wait, did I say unwind? Because I was quickly wound up, but not before supporting act VIA took to the stage with gritty vocals to down and dirty lyrics. No one would have known they had driven 26 hours straight from Minneapolis, Minnesota. VIA’s set was unexpected and unwavering.
Following VIA, Vajra took the floor (literally). Fronted by Annamaria Pinna, Vajra’s eccentric performance took me on a musical magic carpet ride, taking all five senses to places unexplored.
I loved each band’s set so much that I traveled out of Baltimore to see the show again at The Chameleon Club in Lancaster, PA. Tonight’s show brought on a whole different experience. Having been my first time at The Chameleon Club, the dimly lit hallways of the crypt-like basement spawns the heaviest and loudest in the smallest of spaces, where lighting doesn’t matter and space is irrelevant. Silvertung, is dark venues with liquor stained floors, girls swooning, and rock & roll.
“Rise up to the edge of your seat, I’m about to take your breath away. You’ll feel the chill from your head to your feet.”
Silvertung, once just a local Maryland favorite, are now signed with Pavement Entertainment and hitting the road hard promoting their debut album, Out Of The Box. Out Of The Box delivers everything I love in a metal band. Long hair with tattoos, ear-gasmic guitar riffs, and drumstick splitting breakdowns, followed by lyrics that make you want to punch the person next to you. If you don’t know who Silvertung is, or haven’t Googled them after reading the first paragraph, just ask Tung Nation. Like Satan has his followers and Justin Beiber has his Beliebers, Tung Nation is a collection of fans that have supported Silvertung from the very beginning. They know every word, to every song, ever written by the band and are growing day by day. So, get in your car, make the trip to see them on tour, and you’ll see what the fuss is all about.
I’m a Marylander who can honestly say I am proud to be part of a state that birthed such talent. Long live Tung Nation and rock on Silvertung.